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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Workshop proposals due in October

I've never filed an application to lead a workshop. I might have a change of heart this year and make an application. But, my problem is -- perhaps like that of others -- having too many ideas on what to teach. I can't narrow the decision to one or two ideas.

Problem 2

My next problem is from the fact that I really enjoy being in class. This is a vaction. Going to class and only needing to bring a pencil is such a snap. Teachers can't take classes and there are always so many good offering to choose among.

Blog your ideas here

I'd love to encourage pending teachers to pitch there ideas for classes here, at this blog. Perhaps we can fish for feedback, before the class submission is even made?

In the weeks to come, I might like your honest reactions to what I'm thinking about offering as an instructor.


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